A Complete Guide to Outdoor Plumbing Blockages
In the normal operations of a home, plenty of things can go wrong. Problems often cluster around the seasons when changes in the weather adversely affect the systems in the home. The plumbing is a great example of this. While winter tends to cause more burst pipes, the spring tends to reveal outdoor plumbing problems.
Outdoor plumbing encompasses all elements in a plumbing system outside the home. This includes things like water lines, sewer pipes, and landscape drains. With the change in seasons, these all can struggle, especially with clogs. Here is a complete guide to dealing with outdoor plumbing clogs so spring is easier on homeowners.
Signs of Underground Plumbing Blockages
The first step in any solution is recognizing the problem; outdoor plumbing problems are no different. Recognizing the signs of outdoor plumbing blockages is key to minimizing the disruption when outdoor plumbing problems arise. Some of the signs that outdoor plumbing problems are present are:
- Wet spots on the lawn near water and sewer lines
- Low water pressure in the home
- Areas of dense growth near water and sewer lines
- Insect problems that are much worse than last year
- Foul odors
- Water or sewage backing up into the home
If any of these signs are present, then it is likely that a problem exists. Recognizing the problem, it is time to call for a plumber. With the right plumber, repairs can be made quickly and effectively.
What Causes Outdoor Plumbing Clogs?
Outdoor plumbing clogs occur for the same reasons that clogs occur in any other plumbing, namely that something obstructs the pipe. The source of the obstruction can be internal or external.
When outdoor plumbing is suffering from a clog caused by internal reasons, debris has settled into the pipe and formed a clog. In the case of sewer lines, the source of the clog can be hair, waste, or grease. In the case of landscape drains, the source of the clog is likely leaves or sediment that has settled into pipes over the winter.
If the outdoor plumbing is suffering from a clog from an external source, the cause is almost always tree roots. Springtime is a season of rapid growth for vegetation. During the spring, trees send out new roots for new sources of nutrition. The sewer line may be just what they’re looking for in homes with older plumbing.
Clearing Tough Clogs from Outdoor Plumbing
Clearing tough clogs is an easy job for professional plumbers. Plumbers have several tools that they use to address issues just like these. In many cases, the first option is drain snaking. This procedure is great for clearing out nasty tangles of tree roots.
If drain snaking isn’t determined to be the best option, plumbers also use devices called hydro jets. Hydro jets are powerful machines that blast grime off the inside of outdoor plumbing lines. This leaves the line completely clean, and restores lost draining power.
About Apple Valley Plumbing Company
Apple Valley Plumbing Company is the local choice for dealing with outdoor plumbing drain clogs. They can determine the cause of most problems with a free phone consultation and offer solutions with upfront pricing. Call today for no-mess plumbing service in Apple Valley, MN.
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