Warning Signs of Frozen Pipes to Watch Out For

Pay Attention to Warning Signs of Frozen Pipes 

During the cold winter months, pipes are prone to freezing over. This happens when the water in the pipes drops to a temperature below freezing due to not having enough insulation. 

Frozen pipes can lead to many problems for a plumbing system and should be avoided. An experienced plumbing technician can help homeowners prevent frozen pipes in the wintertime. This article discusses the various warning signs that a home needs frozen pipe repair:

  • Little to no water running from faucets
  • Frost forming on the outside of exposed pipes
  • Loud noises coming from the pipes 
  • Sewage smell inside of the home 
  • Burst pipes 

How Frozen Pipes Affect Water Pressurefaucet

One of the first things homeowners notice when their pipes are frozen over is that their faucets are not running as usual. When water freezes over, it turns into solid ice, causing blockages in the water flow. A sudden loss of water pressure during a cold snap can indicate a frozen water line.  

A dangerous downside to frozen pipes is that they can expand when water turns to ice. When this happens, it can cause the pipe to burst. Not only can burst pipes cause a ton of expensive property damage, but a burst pipe can also put the residents of the home in danger from electrocution if the leak reaches the electrical components within the wall.   

pipe Visibly Frosted Over Pipes 

Checking for frost on exposed pipes can help a homeowner determine whether or not their pipes are frozen. In most homes, one can find exposed pipes in crawl spaces, closets, or under the kitchen/bathroom sink. 

A frosty layer of ice visible on the outside of the pipe indicates a good chance that it looks the same way on the inside of the pipe. 

This means that the pipes are in danger of freezing over, preventing water flow, and eventually causing a leaky or burst pipe. Burst pipe repair services keep plumbing companies busy all winter long.

Frozen Sewer Line Causes Terrible Smell 

The pipes connecting the water line to the faucets are not the only pipes that can freeze over in a house. The plumbing which connects the toilet and shower drains to the sewer line is also susceptible to freezing when the temperature drops. 

A frozen sewer line sometimes results in a foul sewage smell inside the home. Human waste and dirty water frozen inside the pipes are the culprits of this dirty smell. 

This is a very unpleasant occurrence that can be avoided by taking preventative measures against frozen pipes, such as adding additional pipe insulation. 

Frozen sewer lines can end a holiday party fairly quickly as no one wants to hang around to smell the sewage. Homeowners should schedule frozen pipe repair before the holidays to prevent a plumbing disaster. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing 

Apple Valley, MN homeowners who need a local burst pipe repair company need to look no further than the experts at Apple Valley Plumbing. Their licensed plumbers are reliable, punctual, and guaranteed quality of service. Call today for pipe repair!

Top Ways to Prevent Frozen Pipes In Your Home This Winter

Easy Tips to Keep Your Pipes From Freezing This Winter

It's that time of year again when the snow starts to fall and the temperatures start to drop. While it can be nice and cozy inside, when those temperatures drop, anything that’s outside is at risk of freezing, including your plumbing. The pipes that are the most vulnerable to freezing are the ones exposed to exterior walls or in places that are not heated.

Not only will the pipes freeze and render you without water, but they can also rupture, causing you to be without water and a big repair bill. Because of this potential disaster, plumbing professionals have the following tips to keep frozen pipes from happening.

Try Adding Heat Tape

heat tapeHeat tape is used to wrap around exposed pipes to heat them when the temperatures drop into the freezing range. Heat tape isn't tape at all, but rather it's a flexible resistive heat-conducting wire that produces heat with electricity.

Heat tape is used to prevent water-filled rigid plastic and metal water pipes from freezing. The tape is wrapped around pipes and connected to a power supply. The wire around the pipe will then hold heat against the pipe preventing freezing.

There are a wide variety of types and styles on the market, so it’s always a good idea to consult a plumbing professional to determine your specific needs. Also, remember that it needs to be connected to electricity, so it’s only applicable to areas where there’s readily an outlet.

How Insulation Can Help

Pipe insulation is a material that is wrapped around water pipes that helps to prevent freezing. Normally pipe insulation is made of foam or fiberglass. Pipe insulation is an easy and affordable way to prevent freezing and thus burst pipes. Like your favorite winter or ski jacket, the insulation holds heat in and keeps cold out which prevents freezing.

pipe insulation

In addition, because your plumbing is always relatively warm, your water heater and appliances won’t have to work as hard to provide you with hot water. There are many types of pipe insulation so do your research and determine the correct product for your needs or call on a plumbing professional for help.

Sometimes insulation comes in the form of a simple sleeve that can be wrapped around the pipe, with other options including spray-on foam. Just be sure you’re satisfied with your insulation choice before the winter season rolls around.

Remember to Run A Drip of Water

small drop of waterThe cheapest and easiest way to help prevent frozen water pipes is by allowing the faucet to run a constant drip of water through the water cycle. This may seem like wasted water, but by having water constantly flowing through your pipe, there’s less of a chance for the pipe to freeze completely.

As a pro tip, it’s always a good idea to go with cool water instead of hot. Because your water supply is limited by the capacity of the hot water heater, using hot water can increase your costs. In the event that you do notice frost or ice forming in or around your plumbing, addressing it as quickly as possible is key.

As the pipe continues to freeze, it can expand, leading to a break. Instead, try your best to warm the area using a hairdryer or space heater. If all else fails, contact your local plumber immediately, as they can help mitigate damage.

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company is a full-service plumbing company that prides itself on providing personalized service at the best value. Their services include drain cleaning, pipe installation, repairs, and emergency services. Apple Valley Plumbing Company provides service to Eagan, Rosemont, Lakeville, and the surrounding areas.