Useful Winter Plumbing Tips

Prepare the Plumbing for Fall and Winter

Summer is winding down, and soon, people will enjoy cooler weather and settle into their typical cool-season routines. While the change of pace is welcome, homeowners need to take action to ensure their homes are protected from the change in the weather. Nowhere is this more true than with the plumbing in the home. 

Winter, especially local winters, are notorious for causing plumbing problems. When temperatures drop, one of the most common issues is frozen pipes that deprive families of water, causing pipe bursts and subsequent flooding. Fall is the best time to prepare, so take this advice from local plumbers to protect your home from winter plumbing hazards

Insulate the Pipes

The water in pipes can freeze when temperatures get low enough. This causes the water to expand inside the pipe, potentially causing the pipe to rupture. The first line of defense against exposed pipes is to insulate them with special pipe insulation. Exposed pipes are commonly found in locations like: 

  • Attics 
  • Crawl spaces
  • Outdoor plumbing like hose bibs and outdoor sinks or showers
  • Near pools
  • Unfinished basements
  • Garages

Insulating pipes is easy and cost-effective. While the insulation and heating system protects most piping in a home, most homes would benefit from added pipe insulation in the places mentioned above. Plumbers can be hired to insulate pipes, or homeowners can do it as part of a project during a fall weekend. Purchase pipe insulation and tape from a hardware store and protect all of the surfaces of the pipe that may come into contact with cold air. 

Take Preventative Measures 

sinkDuring the winter, frigid temperatures can endanger pipes that are protected within walls, especially pipes in exterior walls. Since insulating these pipes is invasive, other ways exist to protect them from freezing. First, keeping the thermostat set higher in the winter helps keep the home warmer and protects against pipe damage. 

Second, opening cabinets with bathroom or kitchen plumbing can allow warm air to circulate near the pipes' walls. Using fans or space heaters, homeowners can keep these portions of the wall warmer to protect the pipes within. Finally, leaving plumbing fixtures that may freeze dripping slightly can keep warmer water flowing through the pipes and prevent them from freezing.  

Winterize Outdoor Plumbing 

outdoor faucetBefore winter, a few steps are necessary to protect outdoor plumbing from freezing. The first responsibility is to roll up hoses so that they are purged of remaining water. While doing this, make sure all hoses are disconnected from the hose bib to prevent it from freezing. If shutoff valves are available for outdoor plumbing, turning off the water supply and draining the line is recommended. 

Pools and irrigation systems need to be shut down properly for maximum protection. Drain pools below the skimmer and drain the pumps and piping. Shut off water service to irrigation equipment and allow residual water to drain away. Taking all of these steps can help ensure a smooth, problem-free winter. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company is a local plumbing expert that can help owners prepare for winter. They offer same-day service and upfront pricing. Call today for courteous and professional plumbing service in Apple Valley, MN. 

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Don't Forget the Plumbing on New Year's Resolution Lists

Schedule Plumbing Maintenance for Home Health

The new year is here, and people are excited to get healthy. While everyone is focused on shedding pounds and managing stress, nasty situations could be brewing in the home. Forgetting about properly managing the home is a problem that most people have, but ignoring it year after year can have disastrous consequences. 

This year, take a holistic approach to health. Maintain the home to support the healthy goals that owners set. Take advice from local plumbers and schedule professional maintenance. Doing so is a great way to prevent stress and even save money. Here is a quick guide to plumbing maintenance to help owners out in the new year. 

Routine Drain Cleaning

drain service When it comes to a home's plumbing, a source of stress and unexpected costs is drain problems. When drains clog, they can cause nasty messes and interruption of plans. Luckily, services offered by plumbers can keep problems at bay indefinitely. 

Routine drain cleaning is a professional service offered by plumbers to reduce homeowners' problems and costs. Instead of paying emergency fees for clearing drain clogs, plumbers offer a flat-rate service to do preventative drain cleaning. This ensures that homeowners are never caught off guard by a nasty clog. 

While doing routine drain cleaning as a DIY task may be tempting, it is generally not recommended. Chemical drain cleaners are not acceptable for some types of piping, and they can cause more serious damage. Sticking to the plan and letting professionals quickly do what they do best is best. 

Professional Plumbing Maintenance 

Drain cleaning is an important part of plumbing maintenance, but it isn't the only step. Plumbers can be used for their knowledge and experience to prevent other problems. Professional plumbing maintenance usually involves routine drain cleaning, but it allows plumbers to take preventative action. During professional plumbing maintenance, plumbers will: 

  • Look for leaks
  • Test water pressure
  • Inspect visible piping
  • Insulate vulnerable piping
  • Maintain water softeners or filters

By scheduling this service, owners can save time and money in the coming year. They can also reap the health benefits of living in a home free from water problems. 

Remember Water Heater Maintenance 

water heater The final piece of the professional plumbing maintenance puzzle is water heater maintenance. The water heater is probably the most important appliance in the home because it contributes to health and stress reduction by providing hot water for cleaning and bathing rituals. The water heater also uses a huge portion of the monthly energy budget, so putting a little money into it during the year makes sense to prevent problems. 

Water heater maintenance is a part of any reputable plumbing maintenance program. With water heater maintenance, homeowners can rest easy knowing their water heater will use less energy, provide more hot water, and not fail in the coming year. This year, get peace of mind from plumbers. Schedule professional plumbing maintenance to reap the benefits and savings of doing things correctly. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company offers personal attention to every homeowner. They handle each problem with award-winning service and upfront pricing. Call today to invest in the home's plumbing in the coming year in Apple Valley, MN. 

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Why Is Regular Plumbing Maintenance Important, Exactly?

3 Key Benefits of Routine Plumbing Maintenance

Like any other part of the home, the plumbing system needs a little care and maintenance to keep it in good shape over the long haul. Part of this means doing the little things like keeping the sinks, showers, and tubs clean, periodically pouring baking soda and vinegar down the drains to wash away minor debris, and putting ice cubes and citrus rinds down the garbage disposal to keep it smelling fresh.

But these DIY tasks can only go so far, which is why hiring a professional to perform plumbing maintenance services is also necessary. Best done once a year, professional plumbing maintenance involves various tasks, from inspecting the system for leaks and corrosion to replacing worn components to servicing the water heater – to name just a few. This article will discuss the benefits of this valuable service and why every homeowner should consider asking their plumber about it!

Helps the System Run Smoothly

The first benefit of plumbing maintenance is that it helps keep every aspect of the system running the way it should, from the faucets, toilets, and drains to appliances like the water heater, dishwasher, and washing machine. A professional can catch plumbing problems early on before developing into a full-blown emergency, like a burst pipe or clogged toilet.

Not only does this mean that an unexpected plumbing disaster won’t inconvenience homeowners, but their home will ultimately be safer from water damage, mold growth, sewage backups, and gas line leaks resulting from a poorly maintained plumbing system.

Helps the Plumbing System Last Longer


Keeping the plumbing system in good shape through routine maintenance also has the added effect of prolonging the life of the plumbing system and its various components. For example, checking that the home’s water pressure is at an appropriate level and ensuring the home has functional water hammer arrestors (small devices that absorb the shock of sudden pressure changes) will help protect the home’s fixtures from damage due to pressure shockwaves.

Most plumbing companies also include general water heater service as part of their plumbing maintenance checklist, which will help extend the water heater's lifespan so homeowners won’t have to shell out for an early replacement. These are just a couple of examples of how regular maintenance can keep a plumbing system going strong for longer!

Saves Money In the Long Run


Naturally, when the home’s plumbing fixtures and appliances last longer and work better, homeowners will save loads of money on plumbing repairs and premature replacements. The relatively low cost of annual plumbing system maintenance is well worth it!

But the money saved on repairs and replacement parts is only part of the equation. Water heater maintenance can also help keep the water heater performing at peak efficiency, which will help lower energy bills. More importantly, regular professional maintenance will enable homeowners to catch and fix hidden water leaks, which can waste thousands of gallons of water yearly. This alone can have a profound effect on the water bills.

When considering all of these benefits, it’s easy to see why more and more homeowners are adding plumbing maintenance to their yearly home improvement checklists!

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Since its founding in 2013, Apple Valley Plumbing Company has quickly become one of the most trusted and highly-rated plumbers in Apple Valley. As an award-winning local business, they have a reputation for outstanding customer service, unbeatable workmanship, and fast turnarounds. They offer up-front pricing, free estimates, same-day service, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee – so there’s no one better to call for plumbing maintenance in Apple Valley, MN!

Be on the Lookout for Outdoor Plumbing Blockages

A Complete Guide to Outdoor Plumbing Blockages 

In the normal operations of a home, plenty of things can go wrong. Problems often cluster around the seasons when changes in the weather adversely affect the systems in the home. The plumbing is a great example of this. While winter tends to cause more burst pipes, the spring tends to reveal outdoor plumbing problems. 

Outdoor plumbing encompasses all elements in a plumbing system outside the home. This includes things like water lines, sewer pipes, and landscape drains. With the change in seasons, these all can struggle, especially with clogs. Here is a complete guide to dealing with outdoor plumbing clogs so spring is easier on homeowners. 

Signs of Underground Plumbing Blockages 

The first step in any solution is recognizing the problem; outdoor plumbing problems are no different. Recognizing the signs of outdoor plumbing blockages is key to minimizing the disruption when outdoor plumbing problems arise. Some of the signs that outdoor plumbing problems are present are:

  • Wet spots on the lawn near water and sewer lines
  • Low water pressure in the home
  • Areas of dense growth near water and sewer lines
  • Insect problems that are much worse than last year
  • Foul odors
  • Water or sewage backing up into the home

If any of these signs are present, then it is likely that a problem exists. Recognizing the problem, it is time to call for a plumber. With the right plumber, repairs can be made quickly and effectively. 

What Causes Outdoor Plumbing Clogs?

clogOutdoor plumbing clogs occur for the same reasons that clogs occur in any other plumbing, namely that something obstructs the pipe. The source of the obstruction can be internal or external. 

When outdoor plumbing is suffering from a clog caused by internal reasons, debris has settled into the pipe and formed a clog. In the case of sewer lines, the source of the clog can be hair, waste, or grease. In the case of landscape drains, the source of the clog is likely leaves or sediment that has settled into pipes over the winter. 

If the outdoor plumbing is suffering from a clog from an external source, the cause is almost always tree roots. Springtime is a season of rapid growth for vegetation. During the spring, trees send out new roots for new sources of nutrition. The sewer line may be just what they’re looking for in homes with older plumbing. 

Clearing Tough Clogs from Outdoor Plumbing 

clogsClearing tough clogs is an easy job for professional plumbers. Plumbers have several tools that they use to address issues just like these. In many cases, the first option is drain snaking. This procedure is great for clearing out nasty tangles of tree roots. 

If drain snaking isn’t determined to be the best option, plumbers also use devices called hydro jets. Hydro jets are powerful machines that blast grime off the inside of outdoor plumbing lines. This leaves the line completely clean, and restores lost draining power. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company is the local choice for dealing with outdoor plumbing drain clogs. They can determine the cause of most problems with a free phone consultation and offer solutions with upfront pricing. Call today for no-mess plumbing service in Apple Valley, MN. 

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Get Eco-Friendly Appliances and Plumbing Fixtures in Honor of Earth Day

Make the Home More Eco-Friendly This Earth Day 

In the spring, nature shakes off the dormancy of winter and starts to green back up. With trees and grass returning to life in a splash of green, now is the perfect time to think about greening up the home. With Earth Day right around the corner, there has never been a better time to consider upgrades around the home to reduce the carbon footprint, save energy and reduce water usage. 

The plumbing in the home is a great opportunity to introduce some eco-friendly practices. By saving water and reducing energy usage, homeowners can go green, just like all the trees on the block. Here are some of the best recommendations from local experts to help homeowners have a more eco-friendly home. 

Water-Saving Plumbing Fixtures 

saveThe first opportunity for eco-friendliness in plumbing is water conservation. Water takes a huge amount of energy and infrastructure to purify and transport it, so by reducing water usage, homeowners can have a big impact on these systems. The first thing that homeowners should do to save water is to schedule a plumbing inspection to take care of leaks. For a longer-term plan, installing water-saving fixtures is the best idea. 

For an eco-friendly home that sips water instead of guzzles it, try installing plumbing fixtures like: 

  • Water-saving toilets that can reduce water wasted on flushes by around 20%
  • Low-flow showerheads reduce water usage during bathing by another 20%
  • Touchless faucets save water by reducing the likelihood that someone will leave the faucet running

Energy Efficiency Options for Appliances 

washerWhen it comes to making the plumbing in the home more eco-friendly, most people tend to think only about how plumbing fixtures can save water. While water conservation is a main goal in an eco-friendly household, several appliances use water as well as power, making them great opportunities for energy and water savings. 

To maximize savings on water bills while minimizing wasted water and power, look into upgrading to: 

  • Energy-Saving Water Heaters: These devices use far less natural gas or electricity to provide hot water to the family. 
  • Energy-Efficient Washing Machines: New washing machines are high-efficiency, using less power, water, and soap to pollute waterways. 
  • Water-Saving Dishwashers: The most efficient dishwashers use as little as four gallons of water to clean dishes. They are also energy-saving to reduce power usage. 

Can Repiping a Home Help? 

The final opportunity that plumbing presents to homeowners that want to have an eco-friendly home is the plumbing infrastructure itself. Things like pipe material, diameter, and plumbing layouts have important implications for eco-friendliness. 

In older homes, metal piping can leak or seep out water, raising bills and wasting freshwater resources. By upgrading the piping to modern plastics like PEX, homeowners can reduce wastage and the possibility of a burst pipe. When repiping a home, plumbers can also address problems like pipe diameter that can cause restrictions in water flow. This reduces water pressure to the home without a drop in volume supplied to fixtures. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company is the local expert for water conservation in homes. Their award-winning service and free estimates can help everyone achieve their environmental goals. Call today for a courteous plumbing service in Apple Valley, MN. 

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How Women's Activities Have Shaped Plumbing History

Women’s Impact on the Plumbing Business 

Men have historically dominated trade work, and this is especially true for plumbing. All trade work, particularly plumbing, requires years of training, long hours, and harsh conditions. Often trade workers are expected to spend full days or even longer away from home. As a result of these conditions, women are underrepresented in plumbing. 

But just because most plumbers aren’t women doesn’t mean that women haven’t profoundly impacted how the plumbing industry has developed over the last few decades. In honor of Women’s History Month, here are a few facts about the contributions of women to this important trade. 

Women in Today’s Plumbing Industry 

plumbingAs previously mentioned, women are a tiny minority in the plumbing industry. The US Bureau of Labor and Statistics estimates that only 5% of the plumbing workforce is female. This includes women in leadership and support positions, so the number of licensed plumbers doing service calls every day is even smaller. 

While males have dominated the plumbing industry in the past, there is no reason why this should be the case in the future. Historically, plumbing was done with heavy metal pipes in harsh conditions, making men more suited for the work. However, modern plumbing materials are lightweight plastics joined with special tools. This removes much labor, leading to exhaustion and burnout, even among men. Additionally, labor laws have drastically improved work conditions and hours. 

Every plumber starts their journey as an apprentice. Apprentices are the lowest-paid plumbers, but they still start at about the average pay for workers across industries. After paid training, they can take tests to raise their skill level and command higher pay. As master plumbers, plumbers can start businesses and determine their future. What part of that wouldn’t appeal to women?! 

How the Ladies Auxiliary Committee for the National Association of Plumbers Shaped Plumbing 

The Ladies Auxiliary Committee for the National Association of Plumbers was originally conceived as a committee to entertain plumbing union members’ wives as they attended conventions. Initially, it was chaired by men who planned activities like motorcar rides around Chicago to keep women busy. In the early 1900s, women took over leadership and changed plumbing policy nationwide. 

At that time, cars were becoming more common, which meant that gas stations had to be strategically placed to link distant places. The committee floated the idea of a public restroom in every gas station and partnered with companies like Texaco to make it happen. With their influence, public restrooms would be more ubiquitous now. 

The First Female Master Plumber 

lillianLillian Ann Baumbach shattered the glass ceiling for female plumbers in 1951. Baumbach got her to start working for her father’s plumbing company and eventually sat for the master plumbing test. She passed on the first try and gained national notoriety. 

Nicknamed the “Pretty Plumber,” she caught the eye of servicemen in Korea, who made her their company mascot. After serving as a master plumber at her father’s company, she eventually settled down and got married. After having children, she continued working for her father’s company, albeit in the office instead of the field. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company provides personal attention and free phone consultation to all of their potential customers. Their upfront pricing gives homeowners peace of mind knowing there won’t be any surprises once work is finished. Call today for plumbing service in Apple Valley, MN homes. 

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Three Plumbing Mistakes to Avoid in the New Year

Plumbing Misconceptions That Homeowners Should Know About 

There are endless DIY plumbing fixes online. There are so many that some people think: “Why hire a plumber? I can make repairs myself.” Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Many misconceptions about plumbing systems come with these videos, some of which can lead to costly mistakes. 

Here, one can learn what they should avoid when evaluating, using, or seeking repairs for their plumbing system. They should think twice about the following: 

Using Drain Cleaners to Get Rid of Clogs 

clogsOn their labels, drain cleaners promise the world. They claim to rid plumbing systems of rust, corrosion, hair, and food residue. Many homeowners swear by these products. They say: “I’ve been using over-the-counter drain cleaners for years, and I’ve ever had any problems.” 

The issue is that these products only serve as a band-aid for major problems. Drain cleaners don’t stop food residue from getting down the drain. It doesn’t prevent problems from happening again, either. If anything, drain cleaners can literally “eat away” at a drain pipe, making it more prone to leaks, being frozen, and other concerns. 

When a professional assesses a clog, they’ll likely employ a drain snake or another specialized tool to remove the obstruction. They can also advise homeowners on other plumbing services that could benefit their situation. 

Failing to Schedule Water Heater Maintenance Visits maintenance

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that all homeowners should annually consult with a plumbing specialist. These visits give a plumber the opportunity to: 

  • Inspect one’s plumbing system
  • Recommend appliance replacement as necessary 
  • Explain what measures could avoid future problems 
  • Patch any leaks 
  • Address any mold or mildew growth 
  • Insulate pipes against the winter cold 

While homeowners can employ many methods to keep their water heaters healthy, some things are best left in the hands of trained professionals. Annually working with a plumbing expert could mean the difference between a smoothly-run plumbing system and the inconvenience of unexpected problems. 

Undertaking DIY Repairs 

Right now, YouTube has dozens of videos online, all claiming one thing: easy plumbing solutions that don’t need a professional training. Yet, as noted, some things are best left to the experts. For instance, most people don’t have the expertise to handle water heater repairs. They don’t have the insight to recognize certain problems, either. 

By undertaking DIY repairs, a layman risks: 

  • Causing additional damage
  • Making repairs that don’t comply with county regulations 
  • Spending more time than necessary on a seemingly minor issue 
  • Incorrectly using specialized tools 
  • Wasting money on purchasing equipment they’ll use once 

Amateur plumbers also risk endangering their health by undertaking certain repairs. Some of these risks include: 

  • Breathing in mold and mildew spores 
  • Causing a carbon monoxide leak 
  • Injuring their hands, fingers, and arms 
  • Suffering traumatic brain injuries from falls 
  • Getting stuck in-between crawl spaces 

If homeowners question their ability to take on complicated repairs, they should consult a plumbing repair company. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company 

Greg Kranz, the founder of Apple Valley Plumbing Company, knows firsthand what it’s like to deal with an unexpected plumbing problem. That’s why his family-owned and operated business offers around-the-clock plumbing help to those living in Apple Valley, Minnesota. Today, customers can take advantage of discounted services and same-day plumbing services. For more information on what plumbing mistakes homeowners can avoid in the new year, they can call today to learn more.

Don't Get Spooked By Halloween Plumbing Emergencies

Stop Scary Plumbing Emergencies 

Halloween can be fun for kids who love being scared with stories of ghosts and ghouls. On the other hand, their parents are probably more easily scared of stories of expensive problems around the house. Some of the scarier stories that homeowners can share this time of year are any number of plumbing problems that can happen. 

This year, instead of being afraid, take some action and prevent the problems before they start. Here are a few of the most common plumbing problems that can plague a house and some ways to keep them from getting out of hand. 

Keep Drains Clear With Drain Cleaning 

One of the scary stories that homeowners tell is about clogged drains. Clogged drains are a common problem regardless of the season, and they can lead to nasty messes that need professional solutions to remedy. 

One of the best ways to keep drains from clogging is periodic drain cleaning. Drain cleaning can be done by homeowners or with more advanced techniques of professional drain cleaners. Some recommendations for homeowners to keep their drains clean are:

  • Keep kitchen grease and food scraps out of the drain
  • Flush sinks with hot water periodically to flush debris out of drain piping
  • Use vinegar and baking soda to bubble out clogs
  • Install hair traps to keep clogs from forming

Professional drain cleaning services always recommend avoiding chemical drain cleaners. These dangerous chemicals can damage piping leading to a need for massive repairs. 

Stop Clogged Toilets Before They Start 

toiletAnother common spooky story among homeowners is one of clogged toilets. Clogged toilets prevent flushing and can cause nasty backups onto the bathroom floor. Luckily, in many cases, one can avoid clogged toilets. A few ways to avoid toilet clogs are:

  • Never flush too much toilet paper
  • If too much toilet paper is being used, flush an extra time to prevent a clog
  • Don’t flush wipes or hygiene products
  • Provide a waste basket for unflushable materials

If clogged toilets are a problem, one should always keep plungers on hand. Minor clogs are no big deal as long as a homeowner knows how to plunge a stool. When clogs become too frequent, there may be more serious causes, and professionals should be called in immediately to investigate. 

Remember Water Heater Maintenance 

maintenanceThe water heater is one of the most prized appliances in a home. Nothing is better than unwinding after a long hard day with a hot shower. Conversely, nothing is more horrific than turning on the shower only to be met with icy cold water. 

To prevent this horror story from becoming a reality, homeowners should remember water heater maintenance. Water heater maintenance is a professional service that ensures the water heater stays healthy and is ready to provide another year’s worth of service. During water heater maintenance, technicians will: 

  • Drain and flush the tank
  • Check the burner or heating element
  • Look for leaks
  • Inspect anode rod
  • Verify delivery of hot water

Homeowners will notice a drop in utility bills and longer-lasting water heaters if maintenance is done yearly. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company is the local choice for custom plumbing solutions from experienced professionals. They provide award-winning services for drain cleaning and water heater maintenance. Call today to get lasting results from plumbing and appliances in Apple Valley, MN.

Keep The Plumbing Running And Stop Disasters

Three Steps to Avoid Summer Plumbing Disasters

Pipe leaks, clogs, drains not flushing, and other plumbing issues often show no warning. But, before the plumbing issues became apparent, subtle warning signs indicated plumbing disasters may be on the way. Knowing what to look at is essential to stop simple plumbing issues from becoming major. The following tips from a licensed professional can reduce the number of plumbing issues and help prevent major plumbing disasters

Be On the Look Out for a Pipe Leak or Clog

cracksSome plumbing problems cannot be seen but are identified by symptoms, including:

  • Slow Drainage – One key indicator of a pipe clog is slower drainage. An excellent way to check the system is to flush drains and observe how quickly the water drains. 
  • Sounds – Strange sounds are also good indicators of potential problems. If waste is not allowed to flow freely through the plumbing system, it may back up, causing gurgling sounds, indicating some blockage in the plumbing that may lead to plumbing disasters if not taken care of. 
  • Smell – An unpleasant smell from faucets and pipes is also a good sign that the pipes are clogging. As buildup grows everything backs up, including odors. This is why odors are more obvious when pipes are not flowing as designed.

Finding leaks in the plumbing can be an easier task. Usually, leaks cause obvious problems, and the owner is quickly aware. However, some leaks are harder to detect. One indication of a pipe leak is reduced pressure. When water is diverted (as when a pipe leaks), it causes less water to flow to the endpoint, reducing pressure. The more significant the pipe leak is, the greater the pressure drop making it easier to detect. Keeping an eye on how well fixtures drain, unusual sounds, smells, and pressure may help prevent calling in a professional.

Keep Grease and Cooking Oil Away From All Drains

drainOne of the quickest ways to cause a significant plumbing issue is to pour grease or cooking oil down a drain. And no, running hot water does not make it okay to dump grease down the drain! Grease and other oils cause buildup in pipes. When poured in, it leaves residue in plumbing lines; this residue catches crumbs or other debris and will eventually clog the entire drain. A pipe clog could lead to corrosion and a pipe leak. It’s a snowball effect that can be stopped by properly disposing of grease and cooking oil.

Keep Drains Clear of Debris with Regular Flushing

Most plumbing drains are regularly flushed in high-traffic, well-used areas. Disaster prevention necessitates guest bathrooms and other lesser-used plumbing fixtures be flushed too. If these fixtures are not run, sediment will begin to cling to the pipes causing buildup and possible corrosion or a clog. 

Simply flushing the drains and toilet and running faucets and showers can prevent more significant plumbing issues. Unfortunately, this is one prevention tip rarely followed. It is often assumed that unused plumbing will be okay since nothing is going in to cause a problem. Or, the plumbing in unused areas is forgotten. This is a clear example of an ounce of prevention going a long way.

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company, located in Apply Valley, Minnesota, believes that having a plumber you can trust is essential. The Apple Valley Plumbing Company is willing to do whatever it can to earn it. Give Apple Valley Plumbing Company a call for plumbing services!

Eco-Friendly Plumbing Tips in Time for St. Patrick's Day

Make the Home Greener on St. Patrick's Day

For years, green has been associated with St. Patrick's Day. Still, as people become more aware of the consequences of their actions, green can also be associated with attempts to become more environmentally aware

Springtime is a great season to be reminded of being green. St. Patrick's Day is a harbinger of warmer weather and is also the season where life returns after being put on hold during winter. This spring, take some advice from local plumbers and celebrate being "green" in its fullness. Here are three ways to make plumbing greener. 

Eco-Friendly Appliances and Plumbing Fixtures 

In every home, there are multiple points of use for water. This means that there are multiple opportunities to make changes that can save water. Start saving water by: 

  • Buying Water Saving Appliances: Dishwashers and clothes washers use a lot of water. New high-efficiency models use a fraction of the water that conventional appliances use. 
  • Low Flow Showerheads: Showering daily takes up a lot of the monthly water budget. Low flow showerheads give the same comfort and cleaning power as inefficient showerheads while using far less water. 
  • Dual Flush Toilets: Saving water from being flushed down the toilet is as simple as installing a dual flush toilet. This allows the user to use less water to flush liquid waste. The result is a 50% reduction in water used for flushing. 

Saving water is a great way to make a positive environmental impact. The carbon footprint of treating water and sewage is high, so using as little as possible makes sense. By focusing on eco-friendly plumbing, homeowners can reduce their home's carbon footprint. 

Green Habitssave money

Greener plumbing doesn't have to be put off until a renovation. Saving water and making plumbing more environmentally friendly can be as easy as changing some habits. Some easy places to start can be: 
  • Turn off the water while brushing your teeth
  • Fixing leaks as soon as possible
  • Water the landscape in the morning or at night
  • Only do full loads of laundry and dishes
  • Don't buy bottled water
  • Insulate pipes, especially hot water pipes

All of these habits will cut down on water usage and save the energy that goes into heating water.




Pay Attention to What Goes Down the Drain

Plumbing is so convenient that it's easy to forget where all of the water goes down the drain ends up. Unfortunately, all of the water used in a home ends up somewhere out in nature. Often, a home's sewage ends up in a waterway headed for the ocean, which can spell trouble when the water is carrying non-biodegradable materials. 

A great example of plumbing's impact on waterways is the recently discovered problems with microbeads. Tiny microplastic beads are common in soaps and face washes in small amounts. However, when thousands of people use products laden with microplastics, they can cause microplastic silt to build up in waterways and wildlife tissue. This problem is a stark reminder to pay attention to everything going down the toilet and the drain.  

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company is famous for offering award-winning service. They offer free estimates and upfront pricing. Call them today for eco-friendly plumbing service in Apple Valley, MN.