Useful Winter Plumbing Tips

Prepare the Plumbing for Fall and Winter

Summer is winding down, and soon, people will enjoy cooler weather and settle into their typical cool-season routines. While the change of pace is welcome, homeowners need to take action to ensure their homes are protected from the change in the weather. Nowhere is this more true than with the plumbing in the home. 

Winter, especially local winters, are notorious for causing plumbing problems. When temperatures drop, one of the most common issues is frozen pipes that deprive families of water, causing pipe bursts and subsequent flooding. Fall is the best time to prepare, so take this advice from local plumbers to protect your home from winter plumbing hazards

Insulate the Pipes

The water in pipes can freeze when temperatures get low enough. This causes the water to expand inside the pipe, potentially causing the pipe to rupture. The first line of defense against exposed pipes is to insulate them with special pipe insulation. Exposed pipes are commonly found in locations like: 

  • Attics 
  • Crawl spaces
  • Outdoor plumbing like hose bibs and outdoor sinks or showers
  • Near pools
  • Unfinished basements
  • Garages

Insulating pipes is easy and cost-effective. While the insulation and heating system protects most piping in a home, most homes would benefit from added pipe insulation in the places mentioned above. Plumbers can be hired to insulate pipes, or homeowners can do it as part of a project during a fall weekend. Purchase pipe insulation and tape from a hardware store and protect all of the surfaces of the pipe that may come into contact with cold air. 

Take Preventative Measures 

sinkDuring the winter, frigid temperatures can endanger pipes that are protected within walls, especially pipes in exterior walls. Since insulating these pipes is invasive, other ways exist to protect them from freezing. First, keeping the thermostat set higher in the winter helps keep the home warmer and protects against pipe damage. 

Second, opening cabinets with bathroom or kitchen plumbing can allow warm air to circulate near the pipes' walls. Using fans or space heaters, homeowners can keep these portions of the wall warmer to protect the pipes within. Finally, leaving plumbing fixtures that may freeze dripping slightly can keep warmer water flowing through the pipes and prevent them from freezing.  

Winterize Outdoor Plumbing 

outdoor faucetBefore winter, a few steps are necessary to protect outdoor plumbing from freezing. The first responsibility is to roll up hoses so that they are purged of remaining water. While doing this, make sure all hoses are disconnected from the hose bib to prevent it from freezing. If shutoff valves are available for outdoor plumbing, turning off the water supply and draining the line is recommended. 

Pools and irrigation systems need to be shut down properly for maximum protection. Drain pools below the skimmer and drain the pumps and piping. Shut off water service to irrigation equipment and allow residual water to drain away. Taking all of these steps can help ensure a smooth, problem-free winter. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company is a local plumbing expert that can help owners prepare for winter. They offer same-day service and upfront pricing. Call today for courteous and professional plumbing service in Apple Valley, MN. 

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Winter Can Be Harsh, so Make Sure Pipes Are Protected!

Winterizing Pipes Is Essential for Peace of Mind!

Winter is the time to think about snow, heavy coats, and hockey, not worrying about pipes freezing. Now, before it gets too cold, is the time to ensure a home’s pipes are protected against the well-below-freezing temperatures that come with the Minnesota winter. This article will cover why homeowners should avoid frozen pipes and how to protect against such an occurrence.

What’s So Dangerous About Frozen Pipes?

pipeIt may seem more inconvenient than a serious issue, but frozen pipes can cause more than a faucet that won’t turn on. Here are a few examples of the effects of pipes freezing:

  • Burst Pipes: Water is one of the few matter types that expands when it freezes. This is the primary reason for the danger of frozen pipes. The expanding ice exerts pressure on the pipes from the inside, causing them to burst outward and require repair
  • Leaks: The expanding ice doesn’t always end in a spectacular burst pipe. It may merely lead to a crack or weakening of pipe connections that may lead to drips or water leaks.
  • Structural Damage: The water that leaks from the pipes can be absorbed in the wall supports and drywall, causing damage to the home’s structure.
  • Mold/Mildew: The moisture can also lead to mold and/or mildew growth that can cause structural damage and air quality problems.

Since homeowners cannot control the weather, they must control the temperature of their pipes in other ways, such as pipe insulation.

The Protection of Pipe Insulation

insulationCovering pipes with foam insulation is the most reliable method for protecting pipes. This insulation comes in different diameters for different-sized pipes with a length-wise opening, so one can easily install it around the pipes without any disconnect necessary. One can use tape to hold the insulation in place. This pipe covering helps regulate the temperature of the pipes and has many more benefits than just preventing freezing. Insulating pipes can save homeowners money by helping the water maintain its temperature and reducing energy use for heating. This also means that appliances are getting higher-temperature water for washing and rinsing, which is better for cleaning. 

Extra Tips for Preventing Frozen Pipes

Though insulation is the most thorough and reliable way to prevent freezing or burst pipes, there are other ways to help keep water flowing through a home’s plumbing. There are even heated tape rolls that one can wrap around pipes and the above-mentioned insulation. Insulated pipes should not freeze even in extremely cold temperatures, but on especially cold days and nights, these extra tips may give homeowners more peace of mind.

  • Remove garden hoses
  • Cover hose bibs
  • Open cabinet doors
  • Leave faucets dripping
  • Use a fan or space heater near the pipes

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

The family-owned and operated Apple Valley Plumbing Company offers a wide range of services to Apple Valley, MN and the surrounding areas. Call today for burst pipe repair with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

The Three Top Ways to Prevent Pipes From Freezing This Winter

Prevent Frozen Pipes From Ruining the Holiday Festivities!

One of the easiest ways to ruin a fine holiday vacation is a burst pipe and accompanying repipe. It's also one of the most easily preventable household disasters. For many homeowners, the hardest part is remembering to follow proper advice. After all, keeping pipes warm is easy, but it seems like plumbers become very busy during the winter with flooded homes from burst pipes. Read on to discover the best ways to prevent pipes from freezing this winter. 

Make Sure Your Pipes Are Insulated Properlypipes

The top way for homeowners to keep their pipes from freezing is proper insulation. This is especially important for any exterior pipes and plumbing fixtures because they are more exposed to the elements and less protected by the house's heat and insulation.

For these easily-accessible outdoor pipes, it is fairly easy for homeowners to install the insulation themselves. Most hardware stores sell pre-cut pipe installation that will easily slip over the pipes. There is also spray-foam insulation available for added protection for those hard-to-reach pipes and fixtures. 

Let Water Drip

One of the other best ways to prevent burst pipes during the winter is to let water drip out of the faucet. This is effective because pipes don't actually burst from the ice itself. A common misconception is that water expansion from turning to ice causes the pipe to burst. However, this isn't the case. Instead, it's the buildup of pressure that happens behind the ice blockage in the pipe. This water pressure is essential for the flow of water into the home. Without it, water would only flow out of a trickle, instead of the powerful flow that homeowners enjoy. 


So, letting water drip out of a faucet or two can keep the pipes' pressure low. It also helps to ensure that water is always moving. Even at a slow pace, moving water can make freezing less likely. 

Keep the Thermostat at 55-Degrees Fahrenheit

Finally, the third tip to keep pipes from bursting this winter is all about the thermostat. It can be tempting for homeowners to turn their thermostat off when they leave the house, but turning it down is a better option. Keeping the thermostat above 55-degree Fahrenheit can help keep the pipes from freezing, especially during long periods away from the house. This is because the heat inside the house isn't just for humans, but it can also keep the pipes comfortable and warm. 

In addition to keeping the thermostat above 55-degrees, homeowners can keep their interior doors and cabinets open when gone for long periods. This allows the heat to make its way into every room and to the vulnerable pipes under the sinks. Homeowners who are planning on leaving the home for extended periods during the winter need to weigh the possibility of a burst pipe against the cost of keeping the heater running while they are gone. 

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company was founded in 2013 to serve Apple Valley, MN, and their plumbing needs. They offer free estimates and a 100% guarantee for every job. Their techs are known for being courteous, professional, and communicative. Call now for plumbing services!

What To Do for Your Pipes This Winter

Protect Your Home Against Burst Pipes With these Helpful Tips! 

Burst pipes are never fun, but this nightmare is a much more common occurrence in colder areas. Once pipes burst, homeowners can expect to deal with flooding, water damage, and costly pipe repairs. Although burst pipes almost always catch people unawares, observation for signs of deterioration, leaks, and other symptoms can provide the opportunity for an earlier and easier fix. 

Homeowners should be especially wary during the holiday season since inspecting the drainage system can become the last priority. An Allstate poll even found that burst pipes in Minnesota increased by 197 percent during the holidays! Read this article for the best chance at protection against burst pipes in winter.

Potential Damage From Burst Pipes

Burst pipes can mean thousands of dollars in repairs. The damage can range from ruined floors and carpeting to a total building overhaul. This plumbing debacle is caused when frozen water expands in the pipes and, as a result, puts too much pressure on the inner pipe walls. Pipes are much more likely to burst if they are older or deteriorated due to chemicals from cleaning products. 

The material of the pipe will also play a significant factor in its life expectancy. Materials such as brass, galvanized steel, and cast-iron can last even up to a century, and copper can provide up to 80 years of service. PVC pipes range from 25 - 40 years of use. 

Burst pipes may feel like a doomsday scenario that can take an owner by surprise at any point but take heart. There are signs of pipe deterioration and steps a homeowner can take to protect their home. 

What Insulation Can Mean for Your Pipes

Just like how humans need coats in cold weather, pipes need protection in winter as well. Insulating pipes will help reduce the risk of a burst. Uninsulated pipes can freeze when the weather outside is just under 20 degrees Fahrenheit, a low threshold for Minnesota winters. 


Philadelphia Insurance Companies reviewed 433 burst pipe claims and found that unheated attics take the cake as the most common cause of burst pipes. People may not realize that attics also have pipes, leaving them unprotected and uninsulated against winter weather. Pipe insulation can be purchased at any hardware store. This inexpensive fix will save thousands in potential damages and repiping.

More Methods To Prevent Burst Pipes 

Insulation is a sure-fire way to improve the chances of pipes surviving the winter incident-free. However, insulation is not the only way to protect pipes. 

Other recommended methods are:

  • Avoid chemical cleaners - When chemicals used for cleaning purposes pass through the pipes, they eat away at the pipes' integrity. Alternatively, homeowners can invest in professional drain cleaning services to clean pipes and prevent blockage. 
  • Check annually for signs of deterioration - Frequent assessment of pipe quality can save money, time, and effort. Homeowners should check for leaks or cracks (of any size), water spots around the piping, corrosion on pipes, and discolored water. Any of these signs can mean that it is time to call a plumber for an inspection.
  • Consider upgrading the piping material - When the unfortunate time for pipe replacement comes, use this opportunity to assess which piping material works best for the house. For instance, copper may have a long life expectancy but is more likely to freeze than other materials.


About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

When looking for a trusted plumber in the Apple Valley area, Apple Valley Plumbing Company should be at the top of the list. They are committed to doing what is best for their clients, including educating them on a cheaper option or providing top-notch specialized services. With same-day services and upfront prices, Apple Valley Plumbing is there for its clients. Contact them today for expert plumbing services.

Top Ways to Prevent Frozen Pipes In Your Home This Winter

Easy Tips to Keep Your Pipes From Freezing This Winter

It's that time of year again when the snow starts to fall and the temperatures start to drop. While it can be nice and cozy inside, when those temperatures drop, anything that’s outside is at risk of freezing, including your plumbing. The pipes that are the most vulnerable to freezing are the ones exposed to exterior walls or in places that are not heated.

Not only will the pipes freeze and render you without water, but they can also rupture, causing you to be without water and a big repair bill. Because of this potential disaster, plumbing professionals have the following tips to keep frozen pipes from happening.

Try Adding Heat Tape

heat tapeHeat tape is used to wrap around exposed pipes to heat them when the temperatures drop into the freezing range. Heat tape isn't tape at all, but rather it's a flexible resistive heat-conducting wire that produces heat with electricity.

Heat tape is used to prevent water-filled rigid plastic and metal water pipes from freezing. The tape is wrapped around pipes and connected to a power supply. The wire around the pipe will then hold heat against the pipe preventing freezing.

There are a wide variety of types and styles on the market, so it’s always a good idea to consult a plumbing professional to determine your specific needs. Also, remember that it needs to be connected to electricity, so it’s only applicable to areas where there’s readily an outlet.

How Insulation Can Help

Pipe insulation is a material that is wrapped around water pipes that helps to prevent freezing. Normally pipe insulation is made of foam or fiberglass. Pipe insulation is an easy and affordable way to prevent freezing and thus burst pipes. Like your favorite winter or ski jacket, the insulation holds heat in and keeps cold out which prevents freezing.

pipe insulation

In addition, because your plumbing is always relatively warm, your water heater and appliances won’t have to work as hard to provide you with hot water. There are many types of pipe insulation so do your research and determine the correct product for your needs or call on a plumbing professional for help.

Sometimes insulation comes in the form of a simple sleeve that can be wrapped around the pipe, with other options including spray-on foam. Just be sure you’re satisfied with your insulation choice before the winter season rolls around.

Remember to Run A Drip of Water

small drop of waterThe cheapest and easiest way to help prevent frozen water pipes is by allowing the faucet to run a constant drip of water through the water cycle. This may seem like wasted water, but by having water constantly flowing through your pipe, there’s less of a chance for the pipe to freeze completely.

As a pro tip, it’s always a good idea to go with cool water instead of hot. Because your water supply is limited by the capacity of the hot water heater, using hot water can increase your costs. In the event that you do notice frost or ice forming in or around your plumbing, addressing it as quickly as possible is key.

As the pipe continues to freeze, it can expand, leading to a break. Instead, try your best to warm the area using a hairdryer or space heater. If all else fails, contact your local plumber immediately, as they can help mitigate damage.

About Apple Valley Plumbing Company

Apple Valley Plumbing Company is a full-service plumbing company that prides itself on providing personalized service at the best value. Their services include drain cleaning, pipe installation, repairs, and emergency services. Apple Valley Plumbing Company provides service to Eagan, Rosemont, Lakeville, and the surrounding areas.